Use the handy selector below to determine which HSI Programs are available in your county of residence.
Programs by County
- All
- 1. Bartholomew
- 2. Decatur
- 3. Jackson
- 4. Johnson
- 5. Shelby
Services/Programs List
- Coaching For Success
- CSBG COVID-19 CARES Act Coaching Program
- CSBG Direct Assistance
- Early Head Start—Bartholomew, Shelby & Johnson Counties
- Energy Assistance
- Food Pantry / TEFAP—Decatur & Shelby Counties
- Head Start
- Homeless Prevention
- Homeless Prevention (HUB) and Rental Assistance (RAF) Programs
- Horizon House Homeless Shelter— Bartholomew County
- Housing Choice Vouchers
- Infant Care Pantry—Johnson & Shelby Counties
- Permanent Supportive Housing (NSP)- Bartholomew County
- Rapid Rehousing
- Salvation Army Extension—Jackson County