800-296-8026,  812-372-8407


Use the handy selector below to determine which HSI Programs are available in your county of residence.

Programs by County

  • All
  • 1. Bartholomew
  • 2. Decatur
  • 3. Jackson
  • 4. Johnson
  • 5. Shelby

Coaching For Success Initiative

The Coaching for Success (CFS) Initiative moves people forward to a better quality of life.  Our efforts are to build the skills necessary in participants so they may grow in their own abilities to become independent

CSBG COVID-19 CARES Act Coaching Program

The Coaching For Success Initiative moves people forward to a better quality of life.  Our efforts are to build the skills necessary in participants so they may grow in their own abilities to become independent.

CSBG Direct Assistance

The Community Services Block Grant service offers aid to those that qualify Vision, Medical and/or Dental assistance.

Early Head Start

Head Start and Early Head Start programs provide comprehensive services to enrolled children and their families, which include health, nutrition, social, and other services determined to be necessary by family needs assessments, in addition to education and cognitive development services.

Energy Assistance Program

The Energy Assistance Program is a program designed to provide financial assistance to low income households. Households are given a one-time benefit in order to maintain utility services during the winter heating season and the summer cooling season.

Food Pantry

Once a month drive thru, the time is 9:30-11:00 am/1:00-4:00 pm. Please reach out to the local office for dates of the pantry.

Head Start

Head Start is a federally funded program that promotes the school readiness of children ages three to five years old from low-income families by supporting their cognitive, social, and emotional development.

Homeless Prevention

An individual or family with primary night time residence that is a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for a human being Individual or family living…

Homeless Prevention (HUB) and Rental Assistance (RAF) Programs

Human Services, Inc. is assisting in implementing the Indiana COVID-19 Homeless Prevention and Rental Assistance Program. It is designed to decrease evictions and increase housing stability by helping renters whose income has been adversely affected by COVID-19.

Horizon House

Horizon House Emergency Family Shelter is a 30 day program designed to coach and assist homeless families within Bartholomew County.

Housing Choice Voucher – Section 8

The Housing Choice Voucher Program comprises the majority of the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority’s Section 8 rental assistance programs. IHCDA administered vouchers help approximately 4,000 families’ pay their rent each month.

Infant Care Pantry

Shelbyville: Once a month pick up on the first Tuesday, the time is 8:00am through 5:00 pm.
Franklin: Once a month pick up on the third Wednesday, the time is 8:00am through 5:00 pm.

Permanent Supportive Housing

Human Services, Inc. has three homes within our Permanent Supportive Housing program. Qualified families must have a steady income and be willing to engage in intensive coaching.

Rapid Re-housing and Prevention Program

Rapid Re-housing and Prevention is a program for homeless individuals and families. The program consists of two forms of assistance, coaching and financial assistance.

The Salvation Army

Provides assistance with the following: Rent/mortgage, emergency shelter, utilities, healthcare (non-narcotic medication), steel toe work boots, transportation and disaster relief.

Weekend Warriors

Every Thursday there will be free sack lunches given out with enough food to last the weekend for families who are 150% poverty level and below.

Services/Programs List

  • Coaching For Success
  • CSBG COVID-19 CARES Act Coaching Program
  • CSBG Direct Assistance
  • Early Head Start—Bartholomew, Shelby & Johnson Counties
  • Energy Assistance
  • Food Pantry / TEFAP—Decatur & Shelby Counties
  • Head Start
  • Homeless Prevention
  • Homeless Prevention (HUB) and Rental Assistance (RAF) Programs
  • Horizon House Homeless Shelter— Bartholomew County
  • Housing Choice Vouchers
  • Infant Care Pantry—Johnson & Shelby Counties
  • Permanent Supportive Housing (NSP)- Bartholomew County
  • Rapid Rehousing
  • Salvation Army Extension—Jackson County

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